Commitment to Justice

A commitment to justice is more than words. It is an ongoing process of self-reflection, research, and action. This statement is intended to be part of my own process of self-reflection.

Power and Privilege

My relationship to power and privilege is complex. As the child of two college-educated parents, I was given access to knowledge that most people alive today were not afforded. As someone who is partially paralyzed, I live each day in a world that repeatedly traumzatizes my body in ways that most people do not experience. I hold both of these truths at once at commit to using the power I have to tell my story and create space for the stories of others.


The knowledge and skills I posess are not mine alone. These are gifts bestowed by previous generations with hope for a future free from the bondage of unnecessary suffering. These are tools to be used responsibly for the benefit of those who will come after me. I commit to understand the nature of my own skills and knowledge and putting them to use in service of all. I commit to teaching when asked and learning from all.


Truth is not fixed. It differs from time to time, place to place, and person to person. Truth is personal. It is okay for two people to hold conflicting truths. It is okay for one person to hold conflicting truths. The process of building harmony is the process of allowing conflicting truths to coexist. I commit to living my truth, telling my truth, and holding space for others' truth.