Object Oriented Programming and Toposes

Object oriented programming has been the most popular style of programming for decades. Is there a good theoretical reason for this? What makes OOP convenient, and when is OOP not the right style? In this post I discuss how the category-theoretic notion of a topos captures the principles of OOP and when the resources needed to reason about execution become intractable.

Context Matters: Responding Differently to the Same Input

Consider a very simple and contrived game.

The player on the left can ask the player on the right to do one of the three actions:

  1. Sit
  2. Stand
  3. Jump

The player on the right does their best to comply. This is simple, but there are some complications. First, the player on the right cannot sit if they already sitting. Likewise, they cannot stand if they are already standing. It is also pretty difficult to jump if they are sitting, so they can't do that either. This is an example of how context can change how systems react to input, and how reacting to input can change the context in which future inputs are received.

One way to specify the player on the right's behavior formally is through linear temporal logic, or LTL.

  1. After sit occurs, the player cannot sit until stand occurs
  2. After sit occurs, the player cannot jump until stand occurs

Everything else is valid behavior.

Implementing Behaviors in an Object-Oriented Style

Here's an example of a way to implement a behavioral model in Go:

type Actor struct {
    currently string

func (a *Actor) Sit() {
    switch a.currently {
    case "sitting":
        fmt.Printf("already sitting!")
    case "standing" :  
        fmt.Printf("ok, standing")
        a.currently = "standing"

func (a *Actor) Stand() {
    switch a.currently {
    case "sitting":
        fmt.Printf("ok, sitting")
        a.currently = sitting
    case "standing" :  
        fmt.Printf("already standing!")

func (a *Actor) Jump() {
    switch a.currently {
    case "sitting":
        fmt.Printf("need to stand first!")
    case "standing" :  

The above code also points in an interesting theoretical direction by it use of the vriable currently. If we think about code as a logical specification about data, then the use of currently to switch execution paths tells us that different specifications hold in different contexts.

In category theory, this is the notion of a topos which is Greek for "place" or "site". The space of all possibles values for the variable currently (in our case just "sitting" or "standing") describes all the sites at which things can happen, and our case clauses describe how the actor behaves at each of those sites.

Quick Intuitive Example of a Topos: Topos theory studies the idea of conditional facts. For example, "the ground is wet" is an example of a fact that may only be true at some points in space and time. In this example, space and time form a collection of "sites" at which certain facts may be true, and statements like "the ground is wet" form those facts.

I chose currently to be a string with only two possible values, but there's no theoretical reason not to use any kind of data here. After all, data is just 0s and 1s in memory, and we can come up with all sorts of a logical facts about those 0s and 1s representing whatever we like!

type Actor struct {
    currently string
    temperature float32

func (a *Actor) Sit() {
    if temperature < 1.0 {
        log.Printf("Not enough entropy to move!")
    switch a.currently {
    case "sitting":
        fmt.Printf("already sitting!")
    case "standing" :  
        fmt.Printf("ok, standing")
        a.currently = "standing"

func (a *Actor) Stand() {
    if temperature < 1.0 {
        log.Printf("Not enough entropy to move!")
    switch a.currently {
    case "sitting":
        fmt.Printf("ok, sitting")
        a.currently = sitting
    case "standing" :  
        fmt.Printf("already standing!")

func (a *Actor) Jump() {
    if temperature < 1.0 {
        log.Printf("Not enough entropy to move!")
    switch a.currently {
    case "sitting":
        fmt.Printf("need to stand first!")
    case "standing" :  

Object-Oriented Programming is a Topos

As a broadly sweeping statement, the reason that object-oriented programming is nice to reason about is precisely because it satisfies the notion of a topos. Whether the programming language calls it a "class", "struct", "object", or whatever else, the data we save in an object gives us a context under which the different methods operate. Within those methods, we use code to specify the logical relationship between data before and after execution. Those specifications may change in different contexts, and providing access to the data in the object gives us a way to determine the conditions under which each specification should be used.


The notion of a topos is very general. In fact, because of the "data = programs" paradigm, determining which behavior to execute can require arbitrary computation.

Check this out:

type Actor struct {
    context func() bool

func (a *Actor) Run() {
    if a.context() {
        // do something
    } else {
        // do something else

func PathologicalInitialization() Actor {
    return Actor{
        context: func() bool {
            // spin forever! mwahahahaha!
            for {}
            return true

So it would be nice to say that the context checking code should always terminate if we want to guarantee program progress. Well, guaranteeing that something terminates is... precisely the halting problem.


I hope you enjoyed this post on OOP and logic. The notion of a topos helps pin down the relationship between objects|methods and sites|logical formulas. I believe there is a great deal for software engineers to learn by taking different perspectives on code, and topos theory is one helpful concept worth exploring!